Hi!! This is me, Didi Concepcion. I live in Orlando, Florida and am a wife, mom and quilter all rolled into one! I love sharing my journey as I learn more and more about quilting.

This is my son Tuan. He was born 12 weeks prematurely and was born as a micro-preemie. At just under 1 lb, not many people in the hospital thought he would be here today. He is stubborn like his mom though and is now a young adult! He has autism, epilepsy and he is nonspeaking. He doesn’t speak actual words, but that doesn’t mean he can’t get his point across very clearly! He definitely understands much more than most give him credit for. He loves the Wiggles and we have so much fun singing and dancing to his favorite songs! As he has finished high school, we spend our days trying to find new fun things to do besides just dancing and singing to the Wiggles!

This is my amazing husband John. We got married in 2013 and this is from our wedding! He is the knight in shining armor I didn’t even know I wanted or needed! We met unexpectedly at a mutual friend’s Christmas Eve party in 2010, when I least expected to meet someone special. Not only does he make me coffee every morning and do the dishes every night, he is the most caring step-father to Tuan! We are very blessed to have him in our lives and we both love him very much!
Thank you for checking out my website/blog!