It’s time for a 2024 QAL update!! If you missed it, I discussed the 2024 Temperature Quilt QAL here.
I was searching for fabrics and then realized I needed to decide on what pattern I really wanted to use for my own 2024 Temperature Quilt.
The fabrics are on their way to me right now, and I will update everyone on which ones I’ve chosen in a future post. First I really needed to decide what city I was going to represent, and what pattern I would use.
Well, I’m a very indecisive person! I finally made the decision that I was going to make 3 quilts. One for Orlando, FL one for Queens, NY and one for Berea, KY. Why? Well, I live in Orlando, my husband and I are both from Queens, and my sister lives in Berea! Why not make more than one and use different techniques? Especially if I’m going to run the QAL, I might as well have a lot of fun with it!
Berea Temperature Quilt
For Berea, my sister is a very flowery type person. She’s always so happy and cheerful and is a absolute pleasure to chat with when I’m down. She is the cure to a bad mood!! The orange peel pattern felt perfect for her! As a bonus, I know that she will forgive any errors I make as I haven’t t made an orange peel quilt before. I’m hoping that in making this quilt I will get better as the year goes on. Not only will it be a temperature quilt but it will be a skill building quilt as well!
Here’s an example I put together of an orange peel temperature quilt.

Orlando Temperature Quilt
For Orlando, I decided to make it as an English Paper Piecing (EPP) project. I was going back and forth with maybe a hexie quilt, or a kite quilt. But then I saw half houses!
When I saw the half houses I knew that it would be perfect for Orlando! First, because I have called Orlando home for over 30 years. Second, because with them being half, I could basically have one half be the high and the other half be the low, and one house would make up a whole day!
I couldn’t get my EQ8 software to design half houses, but here’s what the papers look like. For this one, I’m planning on just making it up as I go along and see what I come up with!

If you would like to make your own half house EPP quilt, I have the paper pieces for sale here.
Queens Temperature Quilt
For Queens, it took me a little longer to decide what pattern I wanted to go with. Initially I was thinking of doing a circles in squares pattern, but I didn’t feel like dealing with curves. I did want to do a different technique though than the other two quilts. That made me think of foundation paper piecing which I do love to use a lot!
Finally I decided I wanted to do flying geese, but using foundation paper piecing! Here’s an example I came up with for the flying geese. I split these into two and three geese sections. You can download the FPP pattern here! Make sure to print them out at 100%. If you have any issues or questions on them, please let me know!

More Ideas!
Still need help deciding what pattern you want to use for your temperature quilt? I made a Pinterest board with a lot of different ideas! you already decided on a pattern? Let me know! I would love to see what pattern you have decided on! Feel free to comment below, or join my private Facebook group!
Happy Quilting!
I know it sounds crazy but I’m thinking about ways to represent temperature in a non-linear format. I think I’m going to use Dresden blocks. I’m still working out my plan and it makes sense (at least to me). I’ll share more on Facebook when I figure it all out. Excited! Thanks for all the info. and sparking my creativity!
I love that idea!! I’m so excited to see how your plan works out!
I’m assuming there is no right or wrong way to make a temperature quilt. My thought is to get the temperatures for 3 days. Then calculate the average night temp for those three days and sew it under the 3 daytime temp section. I will make a sample block and put it in Facebook group.
Sounds interesting! I’m excited to see your sample block!