It’s time for another 2024 QAL update! With the holidays quickly coming upon us, I wanted to discuss the QAL one last time before the end of the year. Again, if you missed it, I discussed the 2024 Temperature Quilt QAL here.
Once I decided on the patterns (see here), then it was time to decide on the fabrics!
Berea Temperature Quilt
This one was kind of easy, but now that I have seen the fabrics in person I’m a bit worried about my choice. My sister loves flowery fabrics. When I saw the Emily Belle Collection by Liberty Fabrics I was so drawn to them for her. I’ll admit, I tend to gravitate towards solids, but I wanted to do something outside of my comfort zone.

While this fat quarter bundle is so pretty, once I saw them in person I was a bit worried that the fabric was too busy to use. I decided though that I’m just going to go with it and see how it turns out. My sister is so supportive and loving, she loves everything I make! I mean that’s what sisters are supposed to do right? Ha!
Here’s the fabrics stapled onto the swatch sheet. I realized after I put it all away and uploaded this picture, that I forgot to pick a fabric for 99°+! I guess I’ll just figure it out if/when I need it.

Orlando Temperature Quilt
I wanted something different than my other two fabric choices, and not something that was already put together for a temperature quilt. I decided to go with batiks since 1) I LOVE batiks and 2) it gives it more of a tropical feel, which I felt appropriate for Orlando!
Here’s the fabrics I chose, Hexies Fat Quarter Bundle by Banyan Batiks.

I was a bit worried after I received them that there was too much red, and not enough differentiation between them. This fat quarter bundle had exactly the right number of fabrics for the temperature intervals I had chosen, so I didn’t have any wiggle room as to which fabrics out of the bundle I wouldn’t use.
The Orlando quilt is going to be English Paper Pieced, and yet again I decided I’m just going to go with it and see how it turns out! It’s just for me and hubby, so I don’t have to worry that someone I am gifting it to won’t like it.
Here’s the fabrics stapled to the swatch sheet.

Queens Temperature Quilt
This one was really easy to pick. I decided to just go with the Moda Temperature Quilt fat quarter bundle. It gave me exactly the number of fabrics I needed for this quilt and already laid out in order too!
Here they are as they came out of the package.

I’m making the flying geese with this one, so I hope I have enough fabric!
Here’s the fabrics stapled to the swatch sheet.

Your Fabric Choices
What did you choose? Have you picked out your fabrics yet? Let me know either in the comments or on social media!
Facebook Private Quilting Group
I’m so excited that I am all organized and ready to record the temperatures starting January 1st!!!
Happy quilting!!