Today is October 10th and it is my 50th birthday. At this moment, I’m not actually in Orlando. Hubby and I are on a cruise ship in the Bahamas!!
So, I have a strange obsession with my birthday. Anyone who knows me will agree with me! Being born on 10/10 ends up giving you a complex about the number 10! I find 10’s in everything. I’ll even add numbers together to find 10.
For example we got married on 5/15, because if you take 5 from 15 and add it to the 5 for May you get… 10/10!!! (Yeah, even my husband had to laugh and shake his head at that one).
Because I am obsessed with numbers and my birthday, I figured it would be a great time to have a sale in my online shop! Besides quilting I also make tumblers. Here’s a few that I have made in the past.
This sunset beach tumbler is my absolute favorite that I have ever made and it’s on my bucket list to make another one!
I love finding new and interesting images to craft with, so I made a bunch for the holidays!
Here are a few examples.

Depending on the image they are available in JPG, PNG, SVG and DXF formats. They are perfect for the upcoming holiday gifts you know you haven’t even started yet!
Oh, the sale?! It’s 50% off of all of the holiday digital downloads!! All you need to do is use the code BIRTHDAY50 at checkout! It’s the perfect time to stock-up! **Sale ended 10/31/2023**
Check back next week, when I’ll get back to quilting stuff!
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